Interested in Investing?
Despite the fact that for 87% of investors the negative impact on revenues will be between 0 and 20%, and that for only 9% of them will be between 21 and 30%, 97% of them will continue investing or scouting in the Fashion and Luxury industry in the future.
Sleepwear market size
No Data Found
Impact on 2021 Revenues of F&L Companies
(percentage of respondents)
No Data Found
Will continue investing in F&L industry?
(percentage of respondents)
No Data Found
key findings
Covid-19 is expected to have negative impacts on companies’ revenues, although significantly lower compared to the previous year. 48% of investors forecast that the pandemic will have an impact lower than 10%, while 39% of them foresees an impact comprised between 11 and 20%. 97% of investors confirm they will continue investing in the F&L industry, even if with restrictions
Source; DELOITTE 20 may 2021 &